
Homeopathy and other natural methods are helping people address and relieve conditions that have at times seemed untreatable. Further, the right natural, holistic approach to treatment may help folks avoid the many negative side effects associated with other forms of care. If you live in or near Brea, CA, and are interested in homeopathy, come in for a consultation with Dr. Alan Fluger.

The Basics of Homeopathy

At its heart, homeopathy relies on the belief that the body is capable of healing itself. Of course, traditional science and medicine recognize that the body does indeed have healing properties. This statement isn’t controversial.  Yet homeopathy and chiropractic care emphasize stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanisms and supporting your innate healing potential. Other forms of care often emphasize external mechanisms (including many prescription medications).

Traditionally, homeopathy has focused on “like cures like.” So, if you’re suffering from allergies, you might use distillations of onions as they cause the eyes to water, much like allergies. This is one simple example of homeopathy, and it’s a treatment many people find effective.

Homeopaths have studied many different mixtures and substances. Like other forms of care, there is a lot of knowledge sharing and a body of historical research. This has helped homeopaths devise new treatments and to address an ever-growing number of issues. While homeopathy is a bit new for many Americans, it has a long and established history in Europe and, for many Europeans, it is the first line of medical care.

Of course, we’ve only started to delve into the many benefits of homeopathy treatment in Brea, CA. You can get in touch with Dr. Fluger if you’d like to learn more.

Harnessing Your Body’s Healing Powers

Various homeopathic treatments may stimulate your body’s natural healing mechanisms. This is crucial to note because day in and day out, your body deals with many different threats and issues. If you catch a cold, you might think that your immune system is letting you down. However, for every microbe that makes you sick, your body has actually fought off numerous other microbes, driving them out of the body before you fall ill.

Homeopathy is very safe and emphasizes the use of very small quantities of substances to stimulate the body. The risk of side effects is low so long as you’re using professionally crafted treatments. Ready to start homeopathy treatment in Brea, CA? Call 714 572 1144 to start the conversation with Dr. Fluger. You may be able to secure lasting, natural relief for a variety of conditions. Along the way, you could also lower the risk of future issues.

Location and Hours




8:00 am-1:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


7:00 am-1:00 pm


8:00 am-1:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


7:00 am-1:00 pm


7:00 am-12:00 pm

